Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

Developing Mathematics Teaching

Commonly, there are two teaching style of a teacher, traditional and progressive teaching. Based on four main levels, we can find the differerences between teaching style of a teacher. There are spiritual level, normative level,formal level and material level.
First, spiritual level. In this level, there are spiritual, future, vision, goal and ways of life. Based on spiritual level, in traditional teaching, education is an obligation. The student study because of an obligation, not because of their awareness. Whereas in progressive teaching, education is a need for them.
Second, normative level. This level showed about law, education system, decree, paradigm of education and theory of education. In traditional teaching, the paradigm of education is teacher directed transfering knowledge to the student. Student as empty vessel who passive, only receive knowledge from teacher. Now, there is a reform from traditional teaching to progressive teaching with the new paradigm. In progressive teaching, the paradigm of education is to construct the student’s knowledge. In this teaching style, the student as a seed who will grow on their ways .While the teacher is facilitate the students, like a farmer as a facilitator of seeds growing. The last result of traditional teaching is fixed by National Examination whereas in progressive teaching use classroom base assessment or portofolio and based on the process of study.
Third, formal level. This level presented about books, curriculum and syllaby. In Indonesia, there are traditional teaching curriculum in 1975 and 1980. Now, we have semi progressive curriculum, it is KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan), and this curriculum actually can be reform traditional curriculum to progresive curriculum.
The last, material level. This level explained about condition of class,physical building, teach content, and students. Traditional teaching use one method, it is expository method. Teacher just explain, give example and task. While progressive teaching use various method and it is contextual with student and material. Traditional teaching just text book oriented while in progressive teaching it is develop by teacher with appropriate the competence of student.
That’s all the differences between traditional teaching and progressive teaching. From the explanation above, we can conclude that progressive teaching is better than traditional teaching.

Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

Being a Good Student of Mathematics Education

As a student of mathematics education we should be very happy and thanks to God cause it is not many younger people that can study in mathematics education especially at Yogyakarta State University. So, we need to empower ourself. Don’t be disappointed, we must wake up. Make sure that we are on the right track supporting by competence, facilities and family that support us to gain our goal to become a good mathematics teacher.
We need understand inside (strength and weakness) and outside of ourself. If we didn’t understand, we could be blind and empty. Blind about our goal and our knowledge. Empty about the way to fullfil the blind. Life can be define as character. It means we have to understand our situation and our characteristics.
We must aware that we have grown, not a child anymore, so we should have transformation from young people to an adult people. The differences sbetween younger and older student is the different thingking of mathematics. Adult, doing anything based on understanding, not based on other influence. As an adult student, we must not much depend on our lecturer. Knowledge can be studied from everything and everywhere. For example, now, there are many variations sourches of teaching learning of mathematics in english. We can download video from teaching learning mathematics.
Teacher need some preparation before learning process and make something different from traditional teacher. There are Lesson Plan and Student Worksheet. According to Mr. Marsigit’s paper, in progressive teaching, teacher aware that there are relation between objective and subjective knowledge. The process of new knowledge is in social range or individual range. New knowledge of mathematics in social range have objective character and in individual range have subjective character. So, social interaction in mathematics teaching is important to approach subjective knowledge into objective knowledge.

Kamis, 14 April 2011

In Depth Thinking About Mathematics Education

Really, we should very glad to be in mathematics education. It is a lot of lesson here and we have to more experience. As a aspirant teacher, we must indeep thinking about mathematics education.
The differences between mathematics between young and older people are physically was different. Younger people, they concrete material of mathematics from daily life. And adult people, they can thinking abstract.
In formal (for adult people), mathematical objects such objects thought. Thought objects obtained from a concrete object with doing "abstraction" and "idealization". Abstraction is an activity in which only take the properties only certain thing to think about or studied. Idealization is to assume perfect activity existing properties.
For example, there were two numbers, 1 and 3. Suppose 1 was written bigger than 3 in size. As adult people, we can conclude that 3 is greater than 1. Because the value of 3 is greater then the value of 1. But, younger people will think 1 is greather than 3 because they  just thinking in something real.
Material of mathematics in school and university is different. Mathematics in school have concrete material of mathematics from daily life. And mathematics in university, the material being complicated and abstract, consist of definitions, theorems, axioms,etc.

·           From Mr. Marsigit's paper we know that Ebbutt Straker (1995: 10-63) defines school mathematics, as follows:
1. Mathematics as search activity patterns and relationships
The implication of this view of learning are: gives students the opportunity to conduct discovery and investigation patterns to determine the relationship, provide an opportunity for students to perform trial premises in various ways, encourage students to discover the sequence, difference, comparison, grouping, etc , encourage students to draw general conclusions, help students understand and find relationships between understanding one another.
2. Mathematics as a creativity that requires imagination, intuition and invention
The implication of this view of learning are:  encourage initiative and provide an opportunity to think differently, encourage curiosity, desire to ask, the ability to refute and the ability estimates, appreciate the unexpected discovery as beneficial rather than consider it a mistake, encourage students to discover the structure and design mathematics, encourage students to appreciate the discovery of another student, encourage students to think reflexive, and does not recommend using only one method alone.
3. Mathematics as problem solving activities (problem solving)
The implication of this view of learning are: provides mathematics learning environment that stimulates the emergence of mathematical problems, help students solve math problems using his own way, help students find the information needed to solve problems mathematics, encourage students to think logically, consistent, systematic and develop a system of documentation / records, develop the capability and skills to solve problems, help students learn how and when to use various visual aids / media such as mathematics education: term, calculators, etc.
4. Mathematics as a means of communicating
The implication of this view of learning are: encourage students know the nature of mathematics, encourage students to make an example the nature of mathematics, encourage students to explain the nature of mathematics, encourage students to give reason the need for math activities, encourage students to discuss issues mathematics, encourage students to read and write mathematics, respect students' mother tongue in talking about mathematics.

·           Characteristics of Student Learn Mathematics
From Mr. Marsigit's paper we also know that Ebbutt and Straker (1995: 60-75), gave his view that the potential for students can be developed optimally, assumptions about the characteristics of learners and subject implications for learning mathematics are given as follows:

1.           Pupils will learn math if they have motivation
The implications of this view for the business teachers are: provide activities that fun, attention to the desire of students, build understanding through what i known by students, creating a classroom atmosphere that supports the activities learning, provide activities that match learning objectives, provide a challenging  activity, provide activities that give expectations of success, respect for each student achievement.
2.           Pupils learn mathematics in its own way
The implications of this view are: students learn in different ways and with different speeds, each student who requires special experience connect with his experiences in the past, each student has a background socio-economic back cultures. Therefore teachers need: know the strengths and weaknesses of their students, planning activities according to the level of student ability, build knowledge and skills he obtained a good student at school and at home, using the record student progress (assessment).
3.           Pupils learn math either independently or through collaboration with his friend
The implications of this view for the business teachers are: provide an opportunity learning in a group to train co-operation, provide learning opportunities the classical to provide opportunity to exchange ideas, gives opportunity for students to conduct their activities independently, involves students in decision-making on activities to be done, and teaches how to learn mathematics.
4.           Pupils need a context and in different situations in learning mathematics
The implications of this view for the business teachers are: provide and using various props, provide opportunities to learn mathematics in various places and circumstances, provide an opportunity to use mathematics for various purposes, develop an attitude of using mathematics as tools to solve problems at school and at home, appreciate contribution to the tradition, culture and art in the development of mathematics, and help students assess their own mathematical activity.

Kamis, 24 Februari 2011

My First English Course

On February 18th 2011, I had my first English course with Mr. Marsigit. Caused by English lesson changed to 1 pm, so I had free at about 2 hours. After Pancasila lesson, I planned to go to University Library. But the library was closed because it was time to pray  Jum’at. Finally, my friends and I went to Education Museum. I have been studying in Yogyakarta State University for one semester, but I had never entered to this museum. After finished saw things, we sat on the floor in front of museum.
My friends and I felt hungry, but we was living thrifty at that time. Fortunately, one of my friends brought enough snacks for us. What a hot day that was. We decided moving to Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science. We listened to the music there and then pray Dhuhur. After that my friend and I planned to buy breads for lunch. On the way, we met our classmates, they would enter to wrong class. Fortunately, they came out immediately.
Almost of my classmates waited in the next of Mushola FMIPA. Our public relations said that we had no class for study and Mr. Marsigit’s handphone was not active. Waited for about 30 minutes, My friends and I decided to attend Kopma’s Meeting at Student Center.  On the way to Student Center, one of my friends called my handphone and informed that Mr. Marsigit came. So we moved to old building at 107 classroom. In this classroom, there were no AC, so it was very hot.
What happened with Mr. Marsigit’s neck? That was my  first question appear when I saw Mr. Marsigit. I respected to him, although he had sickness, but he still teached us. Like another lecturer, he presented us one by one and asked us where we from. Mr. Marsigit was a friendly and humorous person. He ordered us to change our chairs around his chairs. There were no taut at first meeting, and I hope for the next meeting. I rather surprised for the task, especially for blog because I was not writting something commonly.  Mr. Marsigit gave us motivation and also suggest to study english by ourself.

Minggu, 20 Februari 2011

Kembalikan Pajak Film untuk Film Indonesia!

Kebijakan Direktorat Jenderal Bea Cukai yang memberlakukan beban bea masuk atas hak distribusi film impor hingga Hollywood ogah tayangkan filmnya di Indonesia dipandang sinis. Namun itu tidak terlalu masalah, asalkan alokasi pajak tersebut jelas.

Hal itu dikatakan Sutradara 'Ayat-ayat Cinta' Hanung Bramantyo saat dihubungi detikhot via ponselnya, Sabtu (19/2/2011).

"Kalau buat saya, okay bayar pajak nggak masalah. Toh di Amerika pendapatan pajak nomor satu adalah film. Tapi pajak itu tolong dikembalikan kembali ke orang film untuk perkembangan film Indonesia," kata Hanung.

Pengembaliannya itu dalam bentuk nyata. Misalnya saja dibangun sekolah film, studio editing, laboratorium film, perpusatakaan film dan lain-lain. Jadi kalaupun sineas Indonesia ataupun film luar yang bayar pajak, menjadi tidak bertanya-tanya ke mana larinya pajak film?

"Sehingga kita bayar pajak itu ada hasilnya. Cuma ketika saya bayar pajak, ini larinya ke mana? Kok selama ini film Indonesia semakin nggak disupport," jelasnya.

Hanung menggambarkan kondisi jika sineas lokal ingin membuat film. Pertama, di Indonesia cuma ada satu sekolah film, yaitu Institut Kesenian Jakarta.

"Tidak ada studio editing. Jadi kalau kita mau masuk studio harus ke luar negeri. Itu akan menambah biaya, kan kalau bawa barang ke Indonesia kena pajak lagi," ungkap Hanung.(klikunic.com)